A. Dusi, E. Manzoni, Italy M. Mezzi, G. Rossi (2006) ESTIMATION OF THE SEISMIC RESPONSE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING STRUCTURES USING AMBIENT EXCITATIONS: A CASE STUDY. 10th Int. Conf. “Inspection, Appraisal, Repairs & Maintenance of Structures”,, Hong Kong 2006.

This paper deals with the dynamic characterisation and estimation of the seismic response of historical masonry structures, in particular medieval tower using ambient vibrations testing. The advantages and the reliability of the proposed methodology with respect to traditional methods, such as forced vibration tests, for evaluating the dynamic response of a structure are illustrated by making reference to a real case. The study demonstrates how ambient vibrations results can be obtained in a fast and non destructive way; their effectiveness in supporting the structural engineer in the assessment process and in providing a quantification of structural properties is also discussed.

Finally, the authors illustrates the use of accurate Finite Elements Models, calibrated on the measurements, in the evaluation of the collapse mechanisms and in the definition of the retrofitting interventions.

A. Dusi, E. Manzoni, M. Mezzi & G. Rossi (2006) Seismic Assessment of Ancient Masonry Towers Using Ambient Excitations: A Case Study. Proc. 10th Int. Conf. , Hong Kong, Oct. 2006.


M Mezzi, A Dusi, E. MAnzoni (2006) Polymeric grids for the rehabilitation of masonry structures. 10Th Conference on Inspection, Appraisal, Repairs and maintenance of Structures, Hong Kong, 25-26 October 2006.

The performance of masonry walls reinforced using polymeric grid embedded into plaster layers as a retrofitting tools for the seismic improvement of masonrybuildings have been investigated by experimental tests. A number of quasi statictests have been carried out for completing and detailing the information from previous tests and checking the effectiveness of the available results forthe definition of design criteria. The results of the experimental campaign are presented and discussed. The grid shows its positive effect after the masonry failure, avoiding the collapse of the separated portions and increasing theductility of both the in-plane and out-of-plane collapse mechanisms.

A. Dusi, K. Fuller, Kamarudin Ab-Malek, M. Mezzi & J. Nambiar (2006) The seismic isolation of the 20-storey MRB tower building in central Kuala Lumpur. Proc. of the Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-10), Bangkok, Thailand, Aug. 3-5, 2006.

A. Dusi, E. ManzoniI, M. Mezzi (2006) CROLLI NEGLI EDIFICI STORICI INDOTTI DAI LAVORI DI RESTAURO: UN CASO REALE. Convegno Nazionale CROLLI E AFFIDABILITA' DELLE STRUTTURE CIVILI Università degli Studi di Messina, Messina, 20-21 Aprile 2006.

L’edificio oggetto dello studio è una residenza urbana di tre piani e databile all’inizio del XVII secolo. Il fabbricato è ubicato sul fronte stradale e presenta una pianta rettangolare. La struttura portante è in muratura di laterizio e malta di calce, gli orizzontamenti del primo livello sono costituiti da volte in laterizio ad una testa, mentre gli orizzontamenti superiori sono costituiti da solai lignei a semplice orditura. Durante la recente storia dell’edificio, sono intercorsi significativi mutamenti che ne hanno pesantemente modificato l’assetto strutturale, in particolare la sostituzione dell’originaria copertura lignea con un tetto in latero-cemento databile allo scorso decennio. I recenti lavori di “restauro” hanno coinvolto pesanti variazioni dell’assetto fondale con scavi all’interno dell’edificio, al di sotto della quota strada, e con uno sbancamento del piano di calpestio del retrostante cortile privato. Il 9 febbraio, verso la conclusione dei lavori di sbancamento, sono apparse fessure in diversi punti della struttura. Le lesioni hanno subito una evoluzione molto rapida che ha portato in brevissimo tempo, circa 2 ore, al crollo parziale dell’edificio (figure sottostanti). Sono stati adottati provvedimenti urgenti per la messa in sicurezza temporanea dell'edificio. Sono in corso analisi per la definizione delle cause e delle modalità del collasso. Il lavoro finale riguarderà i risultati dello studio con la presentazione dell'edificio, la descrizione dei lavori previsti e di quelli eseguiti, l'analisi critica delle cause di collasso, l'interpretazione dei meccanismi di collasso attivati, le procedure di demolizione e di consolidamento. Particolare rilievo verrà dato alle problematiche etiche riguardanti la progettazione e la gestione degli interventi sugli edifici storici.


E. Manzoni, A. Sandrini & A Dusi (2005) Preservation of the XX century restoration: the case of Porta Vescovo, Verona. Proc. 2nd H&mH International Conference, Kos, Greece, Oct. 3-5, 2005.

Raffaela Braggio, Giovanni Castiglioni, Massimiliano de Adamich, Filippo Legnaghi, Elena Manzoni, Michele Raffaeli, Connie Palo (2005) CONSERVAZIONE E USO DI BORGHI ABBANDONATI. UNA PROPOSTA PER L’ALTO GARDA VERONESE. R.U.R.A.L.I.A. 2005 L’Architettura e il Paesaggio Rurale nello sviluppo socioeconomico montano, Val Borbera, 1-3 settembre 2005.

Located down to Monte Baldo, in the North of Italy, and not far from Garda Lake, Campo di Brezone is a little abandoned village, which shows historical signs from medieval period to late modern age. It is located far form the big lake centres and there is no road suitable for car to reach it. This condition of isolation determinated the way the village was constructed and now it determinates his preservation.
A view of the everyday life and its changes through history are still present in the village. Building characteristics, damage, injury (especially in the oldest heart), constructing process (from the querry to the lime kiln), olive oil production and storage places: everything is still there.
With the support of administrative and conservation bodies, the team studied Campo di Brenzone and produced a preservation project, with contains architectonical design and technological services to the whole village. The project also chooses tree buildings, cases of study for different intervention of use. These buildings are studied as pilot projects to the intervention of this abandoned rural village, where history and nature left and still leave their signs.


R. Langenbach, A. Dusi (2004) On the cross of Sant'Andrea: the Response to the Tragedy of San Giuliano di Puglia Following the 2002 Molise, Italy, Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra: the Professional Journal of the Earthquake and Engineering Research Institute, volume 20, number S1, July 2004, pages S341-S358, .

This paper reviews the recovery process in San Giuliano di Puglia, the one town in the Molise earthquake to suffer both extensive fatalities and widespread severe damage to its building stock. It focuses on three issues related to the recovery process: (1) the initial decision to close the central part of the town and to relocate most of the townspeople into temporary housing, (2) the location and design of the temporary ‘‘new village,’’ (3) the demolition rather than repair of many damaged buildings, and (4) the ongoing planning for the permanent relocation of the town center to a new area away from what had been the town’s ‘‘main street.’’ The paper discusses the inspection, shoring and demolition process. Connecting all these issues is the question of how relief aid should be managed to best assist in recovery on all levels, including the psychological well-being of the people and the community.

E. Manzoni, F. Casciati & A. Dusi (2004) Seismic mitigation for schools and hospitals: some recent Italian experiences. Proc. 3rd European Conference on Structural Control, Vienna, Austria, July 12-15, 2004.

 The performance of masonry walls reinforced using polymeric grid embedded into plaster layers as a tools for the seismic enhancement of brick masonry buildings has been investigated by experimental tests. The results of the experimental campaigns are presented and discussed.

Based on the experimental data and on the results of detailed numerical simulations, simplified models to be used as tools for the design of the retrofitting intervention are proposed. The models properly consider the so called “first mode” and “second mode” collapse mechanisms as well as the grid effect in the evolution of the above mentioned mechanisms.

Restoration and conservation issues relevant to the application of the proposed methodology to historical building and cultural heritage are also presented and discussed.